Municipal Parking Permit Portal

The Townprovides the following parking options for residents and visitors:

MonthlyMunicipal Lot Parking Permits

 ·  The Town of HaltonHills provides limited, overnight parking in designated municipal lots from 7p.m. – 7 a.m.

·  Parking permits arerequired, and monthly permit fees will apply.

·  To apply for aMonthly Municipal Lot Permit, please log in to your parking portal account. Don’t have an account? Sign up here. Instructions on creating an account can be found here.

·  For questions or assistance, please contact the Parking Coordinator at 905-873-2600 ext. 3030.

On StreetParking Exemptions

·  To apply for On Street Parking Exemptions please complete the  “Parking Exemption Form” here.

·  Parking exemptionsare granted to allow residents to park on the street for up to 24 days percalendar year, per vehicle license plate.

·  This exemptionallows residents and visitors to apply for, and obtain, a parking exemption forthe following prohibitions:

o  On street parking forlonger than 6 hours; and on street parking between2 a.m. and 6 a.m.

·  Parking overnight isnot permitted between 2 and 6 a.m. from November 15 to April 15 as per theUniform Traffic Control By-law No. 2023-0094.

·  Please note: aparking exemption will NOT prevent you from getting a ticket for obstructingsnow clearing operations even if you have obtained a parking exemption during awinter weather event.

·  For more information, please contact the Parking Coordinator at 905-873-2600 ext. 3030.